Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Abt 12

Brewer: St. Bernardus
Style: Quadrupel
ABV: 10.5%
Serving Type: 33cL bottle poured into a St. Bernardus chalice

"Rich mahogany" sounds to me like either a joke or pretentious, but I can think of nothing better to describe this beer's appearance. A deep and dark brown with a touch of red, lightening slightly at th edges of the glass. A tan finger of head settles quickly to a tin film. Minimal lacing. Raisin and plum and banana on the nose, brown sugar and a little oak rounding it out. A really fantastic aroma.

Sweet, caramel malt and a lot of dark fruits; raisin, plum, and fig are all there, with some banana and cherry thrown in for kicks. Balances with a slightly earthy, slightly spicy bitterness. Very smooth with a pleasently prickly carbonation. A nice alcohol warmth is felt all the way down. Finishes sweet and lingering.

Best of the St. Bernardus lineup and an incredible example of the style. The Rochefort 10 edges it out in my book, but that doesn't stop it from being world class.

My score: 5/5
Beer Advocate: 98/100
Rate Beer: 100/100
Pintley: 4.4/5

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