Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trappistes Rochefort 10

Brewer: Brasserie de Rochefort
Style: Quadrupel
ABV: 11.3%
Serving Type: 33 cL bottle poured into a brandy snifter

I had one of these gems a few months ago at the Fly Saucer in Kansas City and loved it. When I saw it at Hyvee of all places, I knew I needed another taste.

The beer pours a thick, deep mahogany with no highlighting. The tan head quickly fades to null. The aroma is very faint at first, but strengthens as the beer warms. Plum, raisin, and fig are are at the forefront, but there's a whole fruit basket to be found here. A hint of Jolly Rancher.

Dark fruit comes through in the taste just as well as the nose. There are also notes of dark candy sugar and just a hint of peppery spice. This is an incredibly complex beer. It's velvety smooth with just the right amount of carbonation. Slightly dry on the finish.

This is an amazing beer. Easily my favorite quad and one of my top beers, period.

My score: 5/5
Beer Advocate: A
Rate Beer: 100
Pintley: 4.5/5

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that we have a well-stocked HyVee! And you've made friends with the manager, so that's a good thing too!
