Friday, May 20, 2011

Yorkshire Stingo

Brewer: Samuel Smith's Old Brewery
ABV: 9.0%
Serving Type: 550 mL bottle poured into a tulip glass

I wasn't familiar with this beer, but picked it up on a whim. The bottle proclaims that the beer has been aged for "over a year" in oak barrels, some of which "date back more than a century". There's a lot about the barrels, but very little on the beer residing within. I was actually expecting a stout or something and was surprised by a English strong ale.

The beer pours a dark, muddy copper with some ruby highlights. There's a finger of off white/light tan head that fades to a thin film. Some of the muddy/cloudiness is probably my fault for disturbing some of the yeast sediment. The aroma is lovely and strong. Dark fruit up front, plum and raisin; with fresh baked banana bread behind.

The dark fruit flavors come through in the taste, though somehow not as strongly as in the aroma. There's a good amount of caramel malt and earthy hop flavor there to balance. No alcohol warmth. I would call the body medium to heavy, but very smooth; it clings to the glass like a wine. The carbonation is pretty high, but not over the top.

I split a 550 mL (lousy Brits) probably 70/30 with my wife and was able to knock back my... 13 oz. or so pretty quick, so this is a nice, easy drinker. As the carbonation dies down and the glass warms up, it feels less like a beer and more like a nice brandy. A very nice surprise with this beer.

My score: 4/5
Beer Advocate: A-
Rate Beer: 96

1 comment:

  1. This one was so good! I always love drinking a nice beer with you out of a brandy snifter! It makes me feel sophisticated!
